Scientific Bundy research
Update: 8th October 1998

0. The Bundy Science belongs to sociological sciences.
0.1 The Bundy Science consists of three different sciences: Bundyography, Bundyology and Bundyosophy.

1. The base for the research are the original episodes.
1.1 If they are not available, only optical information can be used as confirmed information.
1.2 Translations of audio information have to be typified with a question mark.

2. The main ordering criterion for episodes is the production code number.
2.0 PCN is the abbreviation for "production code number"
2.1 Every PCN has following format: (x)xyy, where (x)x is the number of the season (1 to 11) and yy is the number of the episode relative to the season (01 to 26).
2.2 PCNs have to be written either between angular [...] or round (...) brackets.

3. There are two levels of inquiry:
    a) the level referring to what is happening inside the series
    b) the level referring to the series
3.1 The main domain of the Bundy Science is level a).

4. There are two levels of information:
    a) the level referring to the episodes including specials
    b) the level referring to other sources of information (articles, documentaries, Internet
       documents, homepages, etc.)
4.1 The main source for information of the Bundy Science is level a).

5. There are logical errors in "Married ... With Children" and they have to typified by the Bundy Scientist.